Visionary Compass Accelerator Program Membership is a high-impact, next-level coaching membership that helps you accelerate your growth, expand your execution and maintain your momentum on the path of divine calling!
After winning with our immersive 8-Module, 32-Subtrack Core Curriculum, signature Execution Blueprint as well as close-knit community of Resident Mentors and Visionaries; we know it is time to up-level into higher manifestation, meaning and mastery on your visionary journey!
The Membership offers you a distraction-free community of fellow water-walkers, so you can place tailored focus on your cutting-edge execution in the next one year. We’ve designed a top-tier coaching and mentorship experience for you, to help you go further with your significant assignment. Our goal is to work closely with you across all the seven pillars of our original VCAP Visionary Transformation Rubrics.
(valued at $7, 500)
We don’t offer refunds. We have a no refund policy. Our Membership Program is completely digital, so there are no refunds on any payment (partial or full) once you enroll. We believe commitment and follow-through create momentum. We believe you will make progress if you apply the things we show you in the membership. This is a community-centered accountability program and learning opportunity. Thank you for understanding and honoring our policy.
Visionary Compass is a 40-week Signature Coaching and Comprehensive Mentorship System that helps you facilitate the twin forces of Visionary Excellence and Execution Mastery to launch, build and accelerate your compelling vision –so that you can elevate your income, impact and influence in 2024 and this decade